Australian Pellowah Centre

For Advanced Healing

Do You Want to Become a Professional Healer?

Are you already working as a healer and want to extend your knowledge and skills?

Or perhaps you haven't yet started working as a healer, but deep down, intuitively, know you are one.  

Somehow, you know that this is your purpose, that this is the thing that would bring you joy.

This can put you in an odd position because if you are like I was at a certain period of my life, then you know something for certain without any material evidence!

Somehow, you might even know that you are going to become a Pellowah healer, even if you have never received a Pellowah healing session!

Sounds crazy, but I've seen it many times.

Your intuition has a grander vision of your life and somehow knows what is impossible to rationally know.

When this happens, it is simply a question of whether you are going to take the leap, of whether you are going to trust your inner voice.

Getting the Foundations Right

If you want to work as a professional healer, then you never want to be a dabbler. You want to know your craft. 

You want to go deep and become the best healer you can be.

To do this, the easiest way is to find a mentor/teacher who has already done what you'd like to do and learn from them.

This has always been my approach. I've travelled all around the world to learn healing and meditation.

I've studied them in Hawaii, mainland USA, Thailand, India, Nepal and Australia.

I've made spiritual pilgrimages to Mexico and visited 25+ countries in a bid to learn everything I could from teachers and people everywhere.

I've even had several years where I spent 20-30K on courses and related expenses.

And all along, I had just one aim: to learn from the best, so I could be the best teacher I could be.

But just as important if you want to become the best healer you can be is your personal practice. 

For too many teachers, Pellowah is simply one of many things they do, and they don't work on their craft daily.

For me, if you want to teach healing, then you want live and breathe it.

I've personally had days where I have meditated 22 hours.

I even once spent 90 hours without sleep, meditating 21-22 hours each day.

I couldn't definitively say how valuable that was, but it's experiences like these that really help you learn more about meditation!

So, if you want to Master healing, then you'll want to work at your craft so that when you talk to clients and students, what you say is based on personal experience instead of theory.

People will then feel your authenticity. They will feel a different energy.


Beware False Economy

If you don't care about the quality of your practice, then any course will do. In that case, my recommendation is to find the cheapest and closest course to you.

But if you want to work as a professional healer, don't be seduced by short-term convenience at the expense of long-term disappointment.

As a (prospective) professional healer, you should aim to become the best healer you can be. You should wish to give your clients and students the richest, most transformative experience possible.

So you want to find the best teacher you can, the one that intuitively feel right.

And when you're looking for the right teacher, try to find one that will give you support that extends beyond the two days of the course.

Because the great thing about Pellowah (that you can learn it in a single weekend) is also its curse.

Two days isn't long enough to form a habit. And two days isn't long enough to go deep into the practices you learn.

That is why all Australian Pellowah Centre courses give you many materials. We want to ensure that the course is more than just the course.

In fact, to help you hit the ground running, we give you a pre-course (with meditations, articles and informational videos). This will help to energetically and mentally prepare you for the course and, as a result, help you get more from it.

Then, after the course itself, we have a 21-day e-program where we send you more information (to go with the manual) and a video portal (with a free, downloadable app so you can easily access all of the materials).

These will give you the resources to go deeper into your Pellowah even months after the course.

And, if you ever have any questions about your practice, you can always write to or call us.

After our Pellowah Level 1 & 2 course, you will have the certification to give professional Pellowah healings.

Naturally, you will want to do plenty of practice on friends and family first, but if you are committed, there is no reason why you can’t work professionally with Pellowah. Many of our students have done precisely that, and you can too.

If you have any questions, just call 0417 328 457 or write to

Happy healing,

Jeremy O’Carroll – Founder of the Australian Pellowah Centre

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