Australian Pellowah Centre

For Advanced Healing

Are You Ready to Let Your Natural Healing Talents Shine?

So, you are a natural healer.

You may not have been formally taught, but you can nevertheless connect to energy and heal people!

Just how you do this might be hard to rationally explain, but your friends, family, animals and maybe even plants have all benefited from your healing work.

So the question now is: should you take a formal class in healing?

Will it help you?

Or will it simply be a waste of time?

Over the past 17 years as a full-time healer, I’ve taught hundreds of people like you, and without exception, they have all benefited from attending a class.

From my experience, learning Pellowah will help with several things:

1. You’ll go deeper into the current healing work you are doing. Pellowah will expand it. It will give it more power.

2. You’ll increase the range of healing work you can do, the energy frequencies you can connect to, and the issues you can successfully treat (see my article, ‘Why We Need Different Healing Methods’ for more on this).

3. You’ll learn new skills and techniques beyond healing with the hands. These include connecting to the energy of 7 powerful symbols and practising a collection of unique meditations. The symbols will do wonders for your energy field, and the meditations will help strengthen your chakras, improve your mental clarity, and deepen your connection with your Higher Self.

4. You’ll receive two potent attunements to improve the power of your healing, improve your intuition, and help you access more of your innate healing abilities.

Unsurprisingly, students who already do their own healing work are always positively surprised by how much learning Pellowah helps them.

But if you are still uncertain whether our Pellowah course might benefit you, I suggest you do three simple things:

1. Visit the Pellowah course homepage to find more about what you’ll learn.

2. Tap into your intuition. Pellowah, more than any other thing I teach, tends to call to people. It resonates on some deep level. It gives you an inner knowing that it will be good for you, even if you have no idea why! If this is the case, then trust your gut.

3. Remember that our courses all have a satisfaction guarantee. So you never need fear that they will let you down! (Btw, in over ten years of teaching Pellowah, not a single person has ever asked for their money back!).

To give you just a small sample of what people have said about our courses:

“It’s a wonderful experience – either to grow your healing capabilities or just as a way to start exploring this kind of work. It’s great to be immersed in this learning space for a whole weekend – I didn’t want to leave! I especially value Jeremy’s facilitation and teaching skills and it creates a lovely accepting environment to share experiences with likeminded people. It’s a very valuable skill and an experience I will treasure for many years to come.”
    Lana Knapp

“Loved the course. I feel that it has elevated my consciousness. Feel like Zen Mon.”
Shaun Da Gama

“The course helps you connect to yourself and a high vibrational energy with considerable ease. It’s like turning on a tap and allowing the energy to flow.

“It exceeded my expectations. I am taking away a healing modality and the experience of a high vibrational energy sensation.

“The course leaves me feeling more balanced, fulfilled, at peace and one step closer to where I want to be.”
Michelle Di Monte

“I already felt called to work with healing energies, Pellowah has profoundly reiterated that. Being attuned to Pellowah has amplified my reiki connection. It has also opened up greater intuition and sensitivity to energy, all my senses seem to have improved. 

“Jeremy is so well versed in his teaching that you’re at ease from the first round of introductions.  Most of the time you feel as though you’re remembering things you’ve forgotten rather than learning something new, his approach to Pellowah is no different. 


“It is very high frequency. It is lighter and faster than any energy I’ve experienced. It is as if a switch has been flicked on and all of a sudden you know, with every part of you, that you’re a conduit between the highest energetic places and the physical world. You know exactly where you need to stand, where to put your hands, if there’s a gesture or movement you need to make to help the energy on its way. 

“Highly recommended to all who are interested in energy and healing, both for home and professional use. If you started with reiki and want more – this is it. Even if you don’t intend to use Pellowah professionally it will raise your vibration and help your discover more of your spirit. If you feel called to try Pellowah but haven’t done any other energetic modalities, don’t worry, book it in and trust that you’re doing what’s right for you. “
Heather Robertson

“Although I had read and watched much of Jeremy’s material he has produced and knew he had a very down to earth approach to the subject, it was really valuable to have such detailed explanations for the ‘why’ and ‘how’ as well as his personal experience.

“I was also grateful for the full healing sessions that helped bring up more blockages that needed to be felt and released. 
“I’m really grateful for a magic weekend”
Liz Butcher

If you have any questions, just call 0417 328 457 or write to

Happy healing,

Jeremy O’Carroll – Founder of the Australian Pellowah Centre

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